Life University

Life University serves to help you internalize your faith and practically apply it to your everyday life. We teach life courses on various topics where you can join people across our campus every Monday night as we help create a foundation on which you can build your faith.

Spring Opportunities

Explore our spring offerings to deepen your devotional life with Jesus. Choose from three workshops and one course for the spring semester. Learn more and register below.

Workshop: Silence, Stillness, & Solitude

Facilitated by Carl Gulley

In a world filled with noise, Jesus invites us into times of silence, stillness and solitude. Come learn about these ancient ways of prayer and how to incorporate them into your personal devotional life. (One night only.)

March 3, 6-7:30 p.m.

Workshop: How to Read the Bible Devotionally

Facilitated by Mick Murray

Not sure how to read the Bible devotionally? Come learn how to deepen your connection with God by learning practical tools and insights to read the Bible with greater understanding and impact. 

March 3, 7:30-9 p.m. (One night only.)

Class: Hearing the Voice of God

Facilitated by Estevan Andrade

If you want to grow in hearing God’s voice—for yourself and for others—this class is for you! Our time together will be filled with practical, biblical, and encouraging teaching designed to help you gain confidence and competence in receiving and giving words that build up, comfort, and strengthen others in love.

March 31-April 28 on Monday nights

Modeling: Time with Jesus

Facilitated by Staff Pastors in the House of Prayer

Join us early in the morning at the House of Prayer where a staff pastor will model how to spend an hour with Jesus through Scripture, worship, and prayer. This is an opportunity to grow in intimacy with God by witnessing and participating in a life-giving rhythm of devotion.


March 4 with Stan Hanes - 6-7 a.m.

March 5 with Sarah Grace Freeman - 6-7 a.m.

March 6 with Jason Ramos - 6-7 a.m.

March 6 with Laura Seibert - noon-1 p.m.

No registration needed.