God commissions each one of us to go into our work, our neighborhoods, our city and the nations to represent Jesus, that "His Kingdom would come and His will would be done."
Local Mission
Impact Waco is catalyzing city transformation through the local church by meeting community needs in vulnerable and under-resourced areas.
We believe mentoring relationships can help kids succeed in school and in life, which will be part of transforming their lives, their families and our community’s future.
Antioch started the STARS Mentoring Project in response to the needs among youth in our neighborhood. In this Mentoring Project, we are building strength, resilience and hope in the children of our community through mentoring relationships and academic support.
Many kids in our community are struggling in school, experiencing some degree of poverty or are lacking positive adult role models. These are huge barriers to a child’s success in school and to ending cycles of generational poverty. Studies have shown that not graduating from high school has a huge effect on people’s lives, and 3rd-grade reading ability is one of the main factors that determines whether someone makes it to high school graduation. We invite you to join us and invest in the students of our community.
End human trafficking. Ignite hope.
Unbound Now is Antioch’s anti-human trafficking ministry, working to mobilize the Church and activate local communities to fight human trafficking. Since 2012, Unbound Now Waco has empowered more than 10,000 youth to stay safe, trained thousands of professionals to identify and respond to human trafficking and served more than 340 victims and survivors in our community. Unbound Now Waco also provides leadership to the Heart of Texas Human Trafficking Coalition.
Invest in the lives of children at Friday Club with games, fun challenges, tasty snacks, small group discussions and even field trips around the city. We meet every Friday from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. during the school year. Not only do you get to invest in a child, but you’ll also have an opportunity to connect with the family if you pick up or drop off your student(s).
Through our Sports Ministry, we’re able to engage kids and families in our local community where they’re most comfortable and provide great coaching, mentorship and a model of life following Jesus. We do this by working with local little leagues, running sports camps and taking impact trips. This is a great way to build relationships with families and student athletes in our Waco community.
If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the application.
There are roughly 251,000 inmates behind bars in Texas within federal prison, state prison and local jails. But these numbers do not include the number of people who cycle through multiple county jails across our state. Roughly 505,000 individuals cycle through the county jails within the state of Texas each year, and within our own community, McLennan County Jail averages 216 monthly bookings. Our desire is to be a solution to this growing problem; therefore, as a church, we are committed to serving our local county jail to bring the hope and healing of Jesus and provide help to individuals upon their release. We are firm in the belief that every person has inherent value and purpose, despite their past.
A beautiful reality: It’s never too late to run into the arms of Jesus!
As a church, we provide Sunday services in McLennan County Jail for both men and women, which include: worship, preaching/teaching and ministry response times. For individuals who want to go deeper in their walk with the Lord, we offer discipleship opportunities where they can meet with a pastor regularly. We also provide inmates with Bibles and devotionals upon request. Jail Ministry services are every Sunday from 12:30-4:15 p.m.
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the application.
Antioch Waco is partnering with Shepherd’s Heart to serve as a mobile food pantry in our local neighborhood. The food distribution happens twice a month from 2:45-4:15 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of every month. Through this partnership, we provide groceries to hundreds of families in need within our community and have the opportunity to pray and minister to everyone coming through our church parking lot.
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the application.
Our desire is to empower men and women to know their identity in Christ and help them develop Bible-based tools to live out their life’s purpose in freedom.
Antioch Recovery Ministry exists to help bring holistic transformation to both men and women struggling with drug and alcohol addiction through biblically based recovery groups and discipleship. We provide a safe, welcoming and judgment-free environment where men and women come together to work through their recovery journey. We offer an opportunity to be part of a supportive community and learn together, through authentic discipleship, how to get free from addiction.
Addiction can leave behind a wide range of short- and long-term effects that can be devastating — not just to the individual — but to the community, state and nation. It destroys families, friendships and careers and impacts a person’s overall health. Here is how we integrate discipleship into recovery:
- Weekly Recovery Groups (separate meetings for men and women)
- Discipleship Groups
- Referral Assistance
- Provide Community Support
- Provide Recovery Tools
If you are interested in joining a recovery group, please fill out the Interest Form below.
Global Mission
Whether in Waco, around the U.S. or in the most remote parts of the earth, we believe a local church committed to evangelism and discipleship can change the world.
Engage the Nations exists to bridge the gap between the local church and our long-term teams by mobilizing interns to help fulfill the Great Commission in this generation. We will mobilize teams for 3-month internships that will work with long-term teams to catalyze church planting and disciple-making movements in their regions. Our goal is that each intern will have encounters with Jesus, be equipped as a disciple-maker, be envisioned for the lost and learn how to support the long-term work going on around the world. Our hope is that our summer teams will be able to identify key, fruitful and apostolic locals who, upon the team’s departure at the end of the summer, can be connected with the long-term team for continued investment and discipleship.
Reaching the nations of the earth
A core part of Antioch’s vision is to see reproducing, disciple-making churches planted in every country around the world. Jesus said in Matthew 28, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” For some, this means responding to the call of God on their lives to go to another nation and be part of God’s redemptive work. If God has called you and you have completed the Antioch Discipleship School, we invite you to apply to the Antioch Church Planting School. The ACPS will train and equip you for overseas work as well as increase your awareness of what God is doing in the earth.
If you aren’t sure if you’re called to the nations but are interested in learning more about it, we would love to talk to you.
SERVE is an opportunity to spend up to 11 months as part of an international church planting team. Participants get the experience of making disciples, living cross-culturally and working as a team under the leadership of seasoned missionaries. This internship experience helps young people determine whether long-term church planting is right for them. Timeframes and costs for the internships will vary based on location and will be subject to final approval from the Long-Term Team who would be hosting. Please note that the SERVE application is in-depth and comes with the requirement of having finished an Antioch Discipleship School.
Acts of Mercy is the crisis relief and disaster relief arm of Antioch and the Antioch Movement. Acts of Mercy works to mobilize the Church to save lives in times of disaster and to bring sustainable transformation to communities locally and around the world.
Let’s go!
Antioch is facilitating trips for individuals to take steps to serve others in locations all over the world. We desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus in all that we do. Short-Term Trips are an opportunity for you to “go into all the world …” to shine forth His light into the darkness. Trips take place throughout the year and can vary in length. Click the “View Trips” link below to see what trips are currently being offered or to donate.