Who We Are
Antioch is a global family of Spirit-led and biblically based churches that embrace every nation, tribe, people and language.
We are committed to the person of Jesus, to His rule and reign in all aspects of our lives and to living out His values in community.
God has called us to be a multiplying, church-planting movement through whom He brings transformation to personal lives, families, neighborhoods and every sphere of society in our city, nation and nations for the glory of God.
Our Story
Whether in Waco, around the U.S. or in the remotest parts of the earth, our passion is to see the Church advance the Kingdom of God around the world through evangelism and discipleship. The vision doesn’t stop with planting churches. Our dream is for each of our church plants to become a church planting movement that influences thousands of people. Our teams are dedicated to training nationals to reach their people and lead their own movements. As these movements grow, we believe the number of unengaged and unreached people groups will decrease and the name of Jesus will be glorified.
Our Pastors
Jimmy and Laura Seibert
Jimmy Seibert is a pastor, author, leader and international speaker. He and his wife Laura have a lifelong commitment to family and to the Great Commission being fulfilled in their lifetime. They and a group of friends founded Antioch Ministries International in 1987, and Antioch Community Church in 1999. Over the past 30 years, Jimmy and Laura have expanded a small gathering into an international movement of churches that train and send men and women around the world, spreading the life-saving message of Jesus. Today, Jimmy serves as the founder and senior pastor of Antioch Waco and senior leader of the Antioch Movement. Jimmy’s book, "Passion & Purpose: Believing the Church Can Still Change the World," tells Antioch's story and seeks to inspire others to live with a passion for Jesus and His purposes in the earth. His and Laura’s book "Parenting Without Regret: Raising Kids With Purpose, Not Perfection" retells their journey of raising their four kids, Abby, Lauren, Caleb and Daniel — and now, continuing to love their expanding family.
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Our Beliefs
Faith in Practice
In Colossians 1:23, Paul exhorts believers to “continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation.” In our day and age, it is essential for the Christ-follower to be continually renewed in the truth of the Bible and its authority over every area of our lives so that we do not find ourselves shifting. As the voices of culture and the ways of the world become loud, our convictions on biblical truth must become clearer and stronger. We must be constantly washed with the water of the Word (Ephesians 5:26) so that we can be sober-minded (2 Timothy 4:5). To live out our faith, we need to continually come to Scripture to find clarity on who God has created us to be and how He has called us to live. Here you will find various resources that seek to provide biblical anchoring and clarity regarding specific issues that today's worldly culture is fighting to define.
Antioch Waco is governed by a team of Elders charged to guide the church spiritually, guard the mission and doctrine of the church, and to provide financial and staffing oversight for the church.





A team of Advisors provides accountability and counsel to the Elder team, pastoral care for the Senior Pastor and spouse, and strategic input into the vision and direction of Antioch Waco.


