5 Circles of Church

5 Circles of the Church

Our 5 Circles of Church clarify how every person can dynamically participate in relationship with Jesus across the breadth of our church.

At Antioch, we want our relationship with Jesus to affect and infect every area of our lives, which is why we seek to embrace each of these circles continually. We want to have a deep devotional life in Jesus, seek to be and to make disciples, stay connected in community, serve and participate in our corporate gatherings and live on mission where God has planted each of us.

As opposed to focusing on one circle, we hope to grow in our holistic approach to walking with Jesus by committing to embrace all 5 Circles. Why? Because we want more of Jesus and we want Jesus to be glorified by, in and through us and His Church.

Me and Jesus

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Personal Devotional Life

Personal Devotional Life encompasses our desire to see every person cultivate a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus that is filled with knowledge, love and desire to obey Him.

Explore resources to grow in your relationship with Jesus here.

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Life-on-Life Discipleship

Life-on-Life Discipleship is where we gather consistently in groups of 2 or 3 for intentional investment, encouragement and accountability.

Explore our discipleship opportunities here.

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House-to-House describes how we do small-group community. We gather in living rooms across our city and see people of all walks of life consistently coming together to live out their relationship with Jesus in the context of close relationship with others.

Learn more about Lifegroups and sign up for a group here.
Church Gathered

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Church Gathered

Church Gathered is, as the Bible says, "the gathering of the saints" — on Sunday mornings and throughout the week in various ministries.

Learn more about our gatherings here.
Live on Mission

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Witnesses in the World

God commissions each of us to go into our spheres of influence and represent Jesus so that His Kingdom would come and His will would be done.

Learn more about both our local and global missions opportunities here.