Digital Bulletin


Each week, we invite you to go deeper in the Sunday message with a sermon discussion guide. These guides provide emphases from the sermon each week, key related Scriptures and lunch-table questions to discuss with your family, friends or Lifegroup.


LL Family



Vision: Our vision is to love Jesus and help catalyze church planting movements among the unreached people groups of South Asia

Prayer Points:

  • Our family is moving locations later this year. Pray for help to navigate this transition well and for favor as we establish ourselves in our new location.
  • There are some health issues in our family that require wisdom and healing. Please pray for complete healing for our family members.
  • Our national leaders are working through various administrative details to support the work among their people. Please pray for wisdom and connections with the right people so they can receive the guidance they need.

How To Give:

Follow the link at the button above and select Luke, Lo. 

This link will work until March 17th. If you would like to give after this date, please email [email protected] for instructions as we migrate to a new giving platform. Thank you!

People Prayer Group Focus: Brahmin People Group (Primarily Hindu)

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for Brahmins to have enough spiritual hunger to seek and find the savior of mankind.
  • Pray for wisdom for Christ’s disciples who befriend and share faith with Brahmins.
  • Pray that the true God will reveal himself to this community and use Brahmins to preach and teach about Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for a disciple making movement to flourish among every Brahmin group.


Financial Update

