


The Power of Fasting

As we begin our corporate fast, it’s important to remember why we fast. After all, food is a gift from God, given to us at creation, and is a reminder of His provision for us. Food strengthens us, food provides refreshment and joy, and food helps us to build community with one another. Like all…


Why We Fast and Pray

In a society that trains us to be independent and strong, fasting can seem very unnatural and unnecessary. But God uses fasting as a doorway to intimacy with Him and a key for breakthrough. WHY DO WE FAST? WE FAST FOR TRANSFORMATION IN OURSELVES // Many people think we fast for God so He will…


How To Fulfill the Great Commission in Three Steps

“Go and make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28:19 I wonder what was going through the minds of the disciples as they received this great commission. I can only guess that someone had to change their pants afterward. Making disciples is an intimidating task. It was scary when I was a Lifegroup leader in college…


Parenting with Purpose

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Passion & Purpose

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