Discussion Questions


Discussion Questions

Healing Our Conflict Sermon Guide

Healing Our Conflict: Jesus, Our Great Physician Sermon Series Listen or watch the sermon here.  Download the sermon guide to print here. In this sermon, Vincent Carpenter explores the challenging topic of conflict resolution through a Christian lens. Drawing from personal experiences and Scripture, he guides us on how to approach conflicts by first looking…

Discussion Questions

God the Father Is a Gardener Sermon Guide

God the Father Is a Gardener: Jesus, Our Great Physician Sermon Series Download the sermon guide to print here. In this sermon, Zach Daniel teaches on the metaphor of God as the Gardener in our lives. Just as an expert gardener carefully plants seeds, uproots weeds and prunes fruitful branches, our Heavenly Father is at…

ArticlesDiscussion Questions

Jesus, Our Great Physician Sermon Guide

Jesus, Our Great Physician Sermon Guide Download the sermon guide to print here. In this sermon, Zach Daniel teaches that Jesus, our Great Physician, heals our understanding of God the Father, revealing Him as present, attentive and loving. We learn that the Father speaks identity, affection and affirmation over His children, defining us by His…

ArticlesDiscussion Questions

What Is Baptism Sermon Guide

What Is Baptism Sermon Guide Download the sermon guide to print here. In this sermon, Pastor Vincent unpacked the powerful tool of baptism and the biblical truth that freedom is found when we surrender our lives fully to Jesus. Using powerful stories like Sonya’s transformed life, he showed us how dying to our own plans…