Enthroned in Our Heart and Home Discussion Guide

Enthroned in Our Heart and Home Sermon Discussion Guide

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In this message about Jesus’ kingship, we explore the profound truth that Jesus is the ultimate ruler over all creation. From Genesis to Revelation, we see God’s sovereign plan unfold — revealing how Jesus’ authority impacts our daily lives, brings freedom through repentance and offers hope as we submit to His loving reign. This discussion guide will help us dive deeper into understanding what it means to live under Jesus’ kingship and embrace our identity as children of the King.

This sermon emphasizes:

  • God established His kingship from creation, revealing Himself as the Trinity in Genesis 1:1-3
  • Israel rejected God as their direct king, requesting a human king like other nations — leading to Saul’s appointment and eventual failure
  • Jesus came as the promised King of kings, fulfilling prophecy as Son of David and Son of Abraha
  • Living under Jesus’ kingship means submitting to His absolute authority while enjoying the privileges of being His children
  • The kingdom of God is present wherever the King (Jesus) is present — chaos exists where He doesn’t reign
  • As The King’s kids, we receive provision, purpose, wisdom and an eternal inheritance
  • Jesus will return as the ultimate King, gathering people from every nation before His throne
  • True freedom comes through submission to Jesus’ kingship — not through self-rule

Key Scriptures:

“Therefore Pilate entered again into the Praetorium, and summoned Jesus and said to Him, ‘Are You the King of the Jews?'” — John 18:33

“Jesus answered, ‘My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.'” — John 18:36

“The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it.” — Psalm 24:1

“But they have rejected Me from being king over them.” — 1 Samuel 8:7

“For man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” — 1 Samuel 16:7

Table Questions:

  1. How does understanding Jesus as King — rather than just Savior — change the way you approach your relationship with Him?
  2. The sermon mentioned that “where the king is, there is the kingdom.” What areas of your life need to be brought under Jesus’ kingship right now?
  3. What resonated with you about David’s story of repentance — especially the imagery of “washing your face” and moving forward after failure?
  4. How does knowing you’re a “king’s kid” impact the way you view your identity and purpose?
  5. The Israelites wanted a human king they could see rather than trusting God’s invisible leadership. Where do you struggle with wanting visible security over trusting God’s authority?
  6. What practical differences would it make in your daily decisions if you consistently viewed yourself as a steward rather than an owner of your resources?
  7. How can we maintain proper honor for earthly authorities while keeping Jesus as our ultimate King?
  8. Which of the “king’s kids” privileges listed in the sermon most encourages you right now — and why?
  • We are the king’s kids — chosen and adopted sons and daughters of the King
  • He’s given us a family to walk with (who are my mothers, brothers, fathers and sisters — those who obey the will of God honor him with their lives)
  • He has a promise of provision for our needs
  • Free from fear and bondage as a king’s kid
  • He’s given us the Holy Spirit to hear His voice, have power in our lives and his presence with us
  • As a king’s kid, I’ve been given gifts and purpose to serve and to love others
  • As a king’s kid, I’ve been given wisdom and guidance in the immediate and for the long haul
  • As a king’s kid, there’ll be a homecoming and a reward for every good deed done
  • An eternal home to be under his care forever
  1. What does it look like in practical terms to “re-enthrone” Jesus as King in our lives when we find ourselves drifting toward self-rule?
  2. How might your prayer life change if you truly believed Jesus rules over all earthly kings and authorities?
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