


Outdo One Another

Competition in the Church is not a pretty thing. We have all seen the danger of comparison and competition that causes division within the Body of Christ. However, there is one passage of scripture that gives us permission to try and outdo someone else. Romans 12:10 admonishes us to: “Love one another with brotherly affection….


How To Fulfill the Great Commission in Three Steps

“Go and make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28:19 I wonder what was going through the minds of the disciples as they received this great commission. I can only guess that someone had to change their pants afterward. Making disciples is an intimidating task. It was scary when I was a Lifegroup leader in college…


Three Ways Eternity Affects How We Live on Earth

In the grind of daily life, it can be difficult to think about living with a heavenly perspective. Weekly schedules, family and work often rest at the forefront of our minds and leave us with a very limited scope of what God is really doing in our midst. How is eternity relevant in our daily…


3 Things You Should Know About Eternal Life

One of the most assuring truths from God is that He has put eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Eternal life is a gift Jesus offers everyone. It is a gift that allows us to experience abundant life in the now, while we’re on earth, and in the future when we’re in heaven. Here are…


Six Ways God Describes Himself That May Surprise You

Exodus 34: 6-7a says “And He (The Lord), passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, ‘The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.’” This description may come to mind when we think of Jesus in the New…


Do You Know Where Your Boundary Lines Are?

Psalm 16:6 “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places. What would it mean if you really lived out this truth? Imagine this in terms of property lines between neighbors. When God created you, He created an…


How To Pray When You’ve Run Out of Words

Ephesians 6:18: …and pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying… For the last 5,850 days I’ve awakened with a prayer for a loved one burning in my heart. I’ve had thousands of prayers answered in my life,…


Parenting with Purpose

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Passion & Purpose

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Come and Take Over (Live)

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